The History

Heritage Treatment Link was developed by Africa Nasir.  The program was developed, in part, because of his experiences, including the traumas he faced growing up in East Africa, US and his challenges with substance abuse related to those traumas. The following is his account of events that led him to this point.

The story of Africa Nasir begins in East Africa, near the border between Ethiopia and Somalia.  Growing up in a region plagued by conflict, Africa faced daily struggles from a young age. At just seven years old, Africa witnessed the brutal murder of his father in front of his family, a senseless act of tribal revenge that had nothing to do with his father. As a result, Africa was taken in by his aunt and moved to Mogadishu, only to find that the war followed him to the capital city, where the president was overthrown in a civil war. Africa became homeless.

Before the age of eleven, Africa had already witnessed unimaginable bloodshed and loss. At ten years old, he was relocated to a refugee camp in Kenya, where he fell into a cycle of drug abuse, turning to cocaine and chewing Khat. It was not until 1994 when Africa was brought to the United States that he found a glimmer of hope, albeit a fleeting one. Despite his new surroundings, Africa continued to indulge in various drugs, including crack. He dropped out of middle school and resorted to working under the table jobs or resorting to theft to fuel his addiction.

The turning point in Africa’s life came in the year 2000 when he became a father to a daughter. This pivotal moment in his life sparked a desire in Africa to be the father his daughter deserved. Realizing that he needed help, Africa sought treatment for his addiction. After completing his rehabilitation, he made the decision to further his education, starting with obtaining his General Educational Development (GED) certification. With this accomplishment under his belt, Africa continued his studies, earning a BA degree in government from St. John’s University, an MBA from Greenwich in London, UK, an MSc from the London School of Economics, an MA in Strategic Intelligence from Northeastern University in Boston, MA, and an MA in Global Risk from Johns Hopkins University.

Driven by a deep sense of gratitude and a desire to give back, Africa returned to East Africa to work in countries such as Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Sudan, offering his assistance to those in need. However, he soon realized that there were people in need right here in the United States, individuals struggling with drug addiction just like he had years before.

This realization led Africa to open the Outpatient Heritage Treatment Link, a facility dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their lives from the grips of addiction. Africa firmly believes that if he can transform himself into a better person, anyone can. He is committed to guiding others onto the right path, armed with the power of his own story and the tools necessary to overcome addiction and live a life free from its chains.

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