How to Plan an Intervention for Cocaine Addiction

When creating an intervention for cocaine, there are a few main points to remember :

  • Intervention can help repair the family structure
  • It creates a readiness for the person to receive assistance
  • It’s crucial to understand that cocaine interventions do not fix the person struggling
  • It encourages the addict to enter long-term treatment and start the recovery process

Due to the denial of the individual, they often refuse to seek treatment. Moreover, many addicted individuals do not even know that they have a substance abuse problem. Therefore, the intervention is an essential and effective tool. It can help a loved one who abuses crack or cocaine to put a halt to their behavior and receive formal—sometimes life-saving—treatment.

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How to Find Peace and Acceptance as a Family Member

Family members often feel helpless when a loved one becomes addicted to alcohol or other drugs. There are so many emotional webs to untangle—sadness, shame, fear and anger—all while trying desperately to get a loved one sober.

Otherwise healthy family members may lose sight of their own lives or struggle with deep remorse, feeling somehow responsible for their loved one’s addiction: “Maybe if I’d done things differently, my daughter wouldn’t drink.” But addiction isn’t a parent’s fault. It’s not a sibling’s fault. It’s no one’s fault. Can a parent control their child or guarantee they recover? No. Can a sibling strong-arm their brother or sister into treatment and recovery?

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